New Zealand 2017 – Days 18 – 19

Day 18

Woke up early this morning to get some sunrise photos from the top of Mount Maunganoui. I was amazed at how many people were hiking and running up the track to the top. It is apparently THE thing to do, here.

I had to make an exerted effort just to hike up, but made it. Mark had left before me and we apparently passed each other on the summit, without realising.

We had breakfast later on and then drove out to Tauranga to check out the street murals painted by a local street artist, Owen Dippie. The detail and depth created with spray cans, is amazing.

After that, we checked out the vintage aircraft museum, which was also very interesting.

Mark and I took a joyflight in a DC3 Dakota, the Powhaitere, which was built in Oklahoma City in 1944.

The pilots made a big point in saying that they flew the old girl with no modern aides what-so-ever. Hmmm, is that an iPad on the dash?

It has been restored and now serves for scheduled flights, airshows, charters and joy flights. What a buzz.

Day 19

Took off this morning for the road back to Auckland and to return the hire car before checking in for our return flight to Sydney.

Aptly named
Are you sure you aren’t taking anything with you, that you shouldn’t?

The holiday is over until the next one.

New Zealand 2017 – Days 16 – 17

Day 16

We left Taupo today and headed north to our next destination, Mount Maunganui.

We stopped at Rotorua for lunch and to have a look at some thermal mud pools and a redwood forest. Phew, what a smelly place.

We did a walk in the Whakarewarewa Forest, amongst the giant redwoods, which was amazing to see how straight and tall they grew.

Magnificent Redwoods

All too soon we were off again to the unit at Maunganui. It was late afternoon as the girls headed off for a walk to the shops, while Mark and I headed off for a walk along the beach.

The unit was modern but I was surprised at how small a two bedroom unit could be. No room for storage, so I assume that they are built for short stay holiday accommodation only. Comfortable though.

Day 17

Spent the day just wandering around and discovering the surrounds of Maunganoui.

                                   Mark wasn’t going to share

Had ice cream and ate out at a nice restaurant for dinner.

New Zealand 2017 – Day 15

Day 15

Went to the Waitomo caves today, at Te Kuiti, where we had booked in for a tour of the Spellbound Glow worm caves. We hopped onto a small transit bus where our guide, Hohepa gave us a great commentary on the drive to the caves.

We walked through a dry cave first, where we saw the skeletal remains of a Moa and where a brilliants shaft of light greeted us at the end, where it was coming in through a sinkhole.

Bones of the extinct Moa. It is believed that the bird fell down the sinkhole and wandered around in the pitch black until it died

With the lights off, the blackness was complete.

We then went off to another cave, where we hopped onto a rubber raft and floated through a magnificent scene of light show, from the thousands of glow worms.

Glow worms

I hadn’t realised that they had a silky curtain of shimmering threads hanging down to trap insects, until a headlamp lit them up. Well worth the cost to experience that, today.

Back to the Stoked Eatery in Te Kuiti, for lunch. This cafe is housed in the old railway station buildings, with enclosed tables along the station platform.

The station is a working railway and trains stop there to drop off and take on passengers. It was unusual and a great idea.

New Zealand 2017 – Days 13 – 14

Day 13

Today we drove out to the Orakei Korako cave and thermal park. We crossed the lake in a jetboat, to get to the thermal walk.

Everything was neatly laid out, with walkways making it all safe to view the pools, geysers and streams. The scenery was amazing, with different coloured algae growing in the steaming hot water and deposits making unusual shapes.

At one stage, we heard a Maori chant and glimpsed a war canoe paddling up the lake. It sounded surreal as it echoed around the hills. Turned out to be a group of Maori students and their teacher. Wish we had been closer to video the moment.

Boiling hot water roils from underground. You would be badly scalded or killed if you fell in there
Boiling, stinky mud pools

We drove back and had lunch at the Golf course cafe near Taupo, where a pretty little fantail kept flitting in and landing on the chandeliers to check out everyone. The waitress told us this bird has been doing this daily for the past six years.

Back home to end the day with a glorious sunset over the lake.

Day 14

Today we drove out to the Craters of The Moon tourist park to have a look at the thermal strata and activity on which the area sits.  Pretty awesome display of the power and pressure.

After that, we headed south around the Lake again today and stopped at Turangi, to have lunch at the Rockabilly styled, themed 50’s & 60’s retro, Cadillac cafe. Great ambience, with posters and era memoribillia and great music. Very enjoyable.

From there, we continued on to Kinloch, which is a quiet little town on the shores of the lake. Sheltered and sleepy, but with upmarket homes, so it must be an affluent area.

New Zealand 2017 – Days 9 – 12

9th March 2017 – Day 9 –
We got down to KawaKawa, about 20klm south of Paihia and found that the road had collapsed and was closed due to flooding. Followed a detour sign which took us through town, but that was the only sign we saw. Didn’t know which way to go, except that the gps told us we could head across the island. It was a long detour, but we saw more of the country and more roadworks and stoppages than we had planned on.

Got to Whangarei and had coffee and cake some 2 hours later, before heading down the highway to Auckland, where we had a late lunch at a very nice Irish Pub.

We arrived at the house in Taupo about 7.30pm that night.

Boats look like toys from the balcony of our rental at Lake Taupo

Great views over the lake and not too far from town.

Day 10
The rain was still falling, so we had a look around town and then drove to Huka Falls.

The calm waters upstream
Raging through a narrow cutting
Jetboat at the base of the torrents

The rain had stopped and the bus loads of tourist ( I realise we are in the same category ) arrived, making it hard to get any photos without anyone in them, so we headed off to Craters of the Moon, geothermal park. Sobering to think what lays beneath our feet and could erupt at any time.

Day 11
Another rainy day and I was feeling a bit low, with my neck injury causing me some degree of pain, so I stayed home while the others drove to have a look at a bee farm. Felt a bit better in the afternoon and we all went into town and had dinner at the waterfront restaurant, on the shores of the Lake.

It was nice.

Day 12
It stopped raining today, so we headed off for a drive around Lake Taupo. It was a scenic drive within about 60klm from Taupo, with very dense pine forests on one side and great lakeside views on the other. We saw a nice outlook at one point, but couldn’t turn around on the narrow winding road, to go back. The rest of the drive was through rolling countryside and we arrived back in Taupo after about 150klm, to have lunch.

Mark and I dropped the girls off and drove the 60klm back to the lookout, but of course the wind had come up and the waters were choppy. Oh well.

New Zealand 2017 – Days 6 – 8

Day 6
Today was overcast and raining heavily at times. The special markets were on at Paihia, as the Queen Victoria and Azamora cruise ships were anchored in the bay. Passengers were being ferried to shore to have a look around town and luckily there were periods of clear sky. We drove out to find the Puketi Forest walk and had sun for the entire time.

Lots of huge Kauri trees, ferns and forest to walk through. There were lots of traps along the tracks, designed to catch rats, weasels and stoats, which decimate the natural wildlife.

The unusual texture of the Kuari tree bark

In all, it was an interesting few hours walk. Back to the unit to read books all round and relax.

Day 7
It rained heavily overnight and the news reported that there was flooding and landslides on the Coromandel, so it was fortunate that we had already left, as the roads were cut.

The day cleared somewhat, so off we headed to have a look at some waterfalls. First stop was the Harura Falls, just out of KeriKeri. They were flowing quite well and the resident families of chickens and roosters were still there, same as three years ago.

I’m in charge here

From there, we drove to the Stone Store carpark and walked through rainforest, to the Wharepuke falls.

The river was flowing strongly and the falls were tumbling off the edge. Very humid and steamy.

Naturally it was now time for lunch, so off to the Pear Tree Restaurant, next to the Stone Store. They grow their own produce so everything was fresh. I have a burger, Wendy had Mussells, Beryl for Sate chicken and Mark had a brie and apricot toasted sandwich. Didn’t live up to expectations though, as Beryl’s chicken wasn’t cooked.

We had to be back at 3.30pm, to sit through the compulsory time share talk for this particular stay, as we had ‘won’ this holiday – with conditions attached. All went fine though and we didn’t sign up.

Day 8
There was heavy rain for most of the day, but around 1pm we drove north to Whangaroa and decided on a late lunch at the Sport Fishing Club. Great location and would be fun on a fine day. As it happened, we were the only ones in there, but the burgers were the best we had tried in NZ and the hot chips were really good as well.

The rain just bucketed down and the roads were flooding. We drove back to Paihia via the Matauri Bay loop road. Nice scenery. We were due to leave for the drive down to Lake Taupo the following morning, so packed for an early – 8.30am is apparently early – start.

New Zealand 2017 – Days 3 – 5

Day 3
Headed off for the drive to Paihia today. The girls wanted to do a quick shop and browse at Nth Auckland, so Mark and I waited patiently for them to finish before taking off once more. Stopped at Mangawhai Heads for lunch, which was a bit underwhelming.

We arrived at the resort and booked in to a nice 2 bedroom apartment where we had dinner. Beryl started to come down with flu symptoms, which of course she passed on to me and mildly to Wendy. Mark kept his distance.

Today we drove to KeriKeri markets. They are the same, world over and I am sure that the same people have stalls where ever markets are held. Mark and I walked around Paihia to find a nice restaurant for dinner. The one we were going to choose, just happened to evacuate in front of us, due to a kitchen fire. Dinner at home that night.

Day 5
Mark and I had booked in to do a half day fishing charter today, and what a glorious day it turned out to be. I actually got sunburnt and didn’t manage to get any legal sized fish. Mark got 4 good fish and we had those for dinner the following night.

Some nice N.Z. snapper
Mark also caught the pretty, Red Gurnard

The day was capped off by a car ferry ride across the bay, to Russell. We had booked in to the Duke of Marlborough hotel for dinner and it was very good despite being a bit expensive. Not that we do this every day, so it was worth the experience.

Main Course

We got a lovely sunset to boot and had a good sleep that night.

New Zealand 2017 – Pages 1 – 2

Wednesday 1st March – Day 1
It had been four years since we had visited New Zealand, so a plan was made and off to the North Island we went, with our good friends Mark and Wendy.
We had a mid morning flight out of Sydney Airport, and met Mark and Wendy at the check in counter. Mark took us all to the Qantas lounge for a late breakfast, which was wonderful. Got to see how the important people spent their flight waiting time. We boarded an Emirates A380, double story airliner, which is a Qantas partner, and flew off to Auckland. On arrival, we picked up a nice green Commodore and headed off to ‘the Coromandel Peninsula’ for two nights. The farm cottage we had booked online, was at Miranda, so it was a little concerning when the GPS couldn’t find that area.

Lovely, Miranda Cottage
Grapes hanging off the front verandah, were delicious

Lucky for signposts, I guess. The owner met us, living right next door, and showed us to the house. What a delightful cottage it was. Pretty gardens surrounded by fruit trees and flower gardens. Barry, the owner, supplied us with a big bowl of fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs. also said to eat as many grapes as we wanted off the vine as well as plums off the trees. We did just that. Had dinner the following night, at the local pub, which is across the road from the water.

Day 2
Today we drove to Thames -NZ pronounce it ‘Tims’ – and had a walk around the town before continuing on to Coromandel, where we stopped for lunch. We left there and followed the winding, waterfront roadway, which had an 80kph posted limit. Very few opportunities to pass anyone, so it was a major frustration to follow a car doing 40kph, and which slowed to 10kph on curves. There was a small man driving it, who was an obvious tourist and after several klms of this follow the leader, Mark got a chance to overtake. As he pulled out, so did the slow driver, into the middle of the narrow roadway. Mark gave him a toot on the horn to pass, and the angry ant leaned on his horn, weaving on the road as a string of other cars also passed him. There were some spectacular views and some very steep drop offs on the unfenced road.

Saw two cars down the bottom of a gully around a sharp curve. Either an insurance job or a couple of unfortunate accidents in the same spot.

Tide is out, on the Coramandel

Back to the cottage for a nice bbq dinner before facing a long drive up to Paihia the following day.

Day 18 – N.Z. Discovered 2013

Sunday 7th April – Day 18
All packed for the return trip home. We drove back into the ‘red zone’ to have a look at the temporary replacement for the Christ Church
The new building is titled, the Cardboard Church, due to the construction method. Japanese architect Shigeru Ban returned with the donation of a design for a soaring meeting space constructed of cardboard and
shipping containers. Ban is renowned in architecture for his remarkable paper tube structures and buildings.
The cardboard cathedral is expected to cost roughly NZ$4 million (about US$3.8 million), compared to an estimated NZ$25M (US$20.5M) for a
permanent replacement. Not the same in my opinion, but it is only a
building after all.

Got to the Airport and returned the car. Inside the terminal, Beryl couldn’t find her new glasses, which cost a bomb, and she figured that
she had dropped them at the church site. Mark went back to the Hertz
counter and was told that nothing had been found in the car, but another service guy had overheard the conversation and called the lot on his
2 way radio, to find that the car cleaner had indeed picked up a glasses
case near the car. Happy days for Beryl, as she could read again.

The Qantas flight was luxury in comparison to the Air New Zealand flight on the way over. We got a hot meal and drinks.

The approach to Sydney was from the north west, so we got to fly over the harbour. Lovely sight on a clear, sunny afternoon. When is our next holiday?

Day 17 N.Z. Discovered 2013

Saturday 6th – Day 17
We stopped at Pancake Rocks in the morning and walked out to check
out the formations. The swell was running pretty high and plumes of mist came shooting out of holes and crevices.

Would hate to be caught in the maelstrom if caught in the water.

We stopped at Maccas in Greymouth, mainly for the free internet and to find a place to book into for that night.

Arakoa was booked out so we opted to head into Christchurch. Walked around the CBD for an hour or so and checked out the devastation caused by the earthquakes in February 2011. Massive damage and very depressing to see the beautiful historic buildings reduced to rubble, let alone the cost in lives. The wind was coming off the Antarctic, so it was good to head off to dinner. Mark had arranged to meet up with friends, Andrew and Beth, and we enjoyed a Thai meal in pleasant company before retiring back to the motel for the night.